Ludka's Museum

Ludka was a seriously beautiful Czech girl
(Can you tell
that she was professional dancer?)

... and she still is beautiful
even in this ghostly image
reflected by one of the paintings
in her collection.

as portrait of her as well

These are the tools of her trade.
She's been a top tier
piano teacher
in the Chicago area
for several decades now.

During which time
she has managed to acquire
this wonderful house
and stuff it full of eye candy.

Our tour should probably begin
with her favorite sculpture

and here's another one
perched in a tree
in the back yard

she's also a gardener
(as well as a world traveler )

She says the garden
has been somewhat neglected this year

But I prefer
the "jungle look"

at the top,
is the veranda
on which
we have often been entertained

Walking around the side of the house
is this little fellow
who fell off the wall

Now we're on the front porch.
This little fragment
was found abandoned in the kiln room
at the Palette and Chisel Academy.

The head is also an abandoned piece,
while the small figures
were made by a romantic Frenchman
who passed through Chicago
a few years ago

And this strange figure
was made by yours truly

The stained glass windows
were designed and fabricated
by the lady herself.
(who also makes jewelry )

Now we're on the inside,
and we'll be walking counter-clockwise
through the building

Though I can identify this one:

some very nice historical pieces

As I recall,
these were painted
for Ludka's father
by a fellow prisoner.
(Czech officers spent
a lot of time in prisons,
first Nazi, then Communist)

another piece by yours truly

This is my favorite corner

and I love all her glass


This is in the bedroom.
There were several paintings
there also,
but I couldn't photograph them
through the reflective glass.

Milos Koutecky (Czech)
This is a portrait of her son
done at least 30 years ago.
She's sorry that it was done
from a photograph,
but it looks pretty good to me.

And once again,
the lady herself
as a young woman.
As you can see,
she is an out-of-control
making, collecting, displaying
whatever resonates with her.
Might we say
that her entire house,
is a work of art
just like a Cornell box ?
Only, it's much more
bright and beautiful.
Back from my summer labors and I hop over and find myself in a little museum of the imagination. And here you are as well, among the glass and paintings and leaves.
You have occasionally done this sort of wandering through somebody's realm, and I like it very much--especially when one sees the sensibility of the person observed so strongly. I could see a new blog coming on, interiors created by interesting people...
I have one more outing this summer but shall return, as always, to see what you have gathered up.
Eventually, I'd like to shoot Marly's collection of hats - though my cross country journeys are still a few years away.
Hats? Hats? I don't have nearly enough hats to make a show like that! A fur pillbox. A few wacky ones. Straws.
I do have a lot of pictures and a lot of (mostly North Carolina--from the mountains and from Seagrove, a potting village for three hundred years) pottery. Paperweights. Old toys. Detritus.
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