Sculpture at St. Hyacinth

I spent the afternoon of Holy Saturday
biking over to St. Hyacinth
to see the sculpture
recently installed on the outside.

John Paul II
visited the church
during his trip to Chicago,
so a statue was commissioned
to commemorate the event.

The name of sculptor is Czesław Dźwigaj
(don't ask me to pronounce it)
who is something of a specialist
in the genre.

Here's the version he made for Krakow,
but as you might notice,
the one sent to Chicago
is not quite as sensitively done.

It feels a bit crude
and unfinished.

(or his workship)
was also responsible
for three sets of bronze doors
that open from the basilica
onto the street outside.

And I like everything about them

..except for how they look.

i.e. -- I like the subject,
the style,
the artist,
and the very fact
that a modern congregation
has undertaken
such an ambitious
sculptural program.

But the problem is,
that good sculpture takes time.
Ghiberti spent 20 years
on the doors for the Florence Baptistery,
and I really doubt that
six months were spent modeling these,
and the foundry probably got paid
more than the sculptors.
Nobody could afford that much time,
so the results feel engergetic and sincere,
but also awkward and clumsy.

All the pieces you show, including the door look gorgeous in your photographs but it is true what you say about time - Who can afford ...? but really what better things does one have to do ? i.e. it is better to have one amazing piece of work then ....
Do you have an overall image of the doors?
I've just posted a photo of one of the doors, Amanda -- but don't have any of the complete facade.
Thank you, Mr. Miller. The composition is interesting from a distance and would serve to draw me in for a closer look. I am sorry to hear that the detail does not necessarily hold up to one's expectations...I am with quality over quantity.
I agree with you, AJS -- and I'm trying to assemble new post about great bronze doors found elsewhere.
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