Apogee of my Journalistic Career

Here it is,
the apogee of my career
as one of the many
Art Critics
featured in the
Newcity weekly.
A full page devoted
to my worthless opinions.
Including my response to the biggest art event
that Chicago has seen in a hundred years,
the opening of the Modern Wing of the Art Institute.
Along with some words
about one of my favorite museum exhibits,
the collection of Japanese screens
that finally got hauled up from the basement.
And finally,
a panegyric
for one of Chicago's old school painters,
Walter Burt Adams.
Local art criticism has been dropped
by both the Tribune and the Reader,
so I'm not sure that
it's a subject that is commercially worth
the paper it's printed on.
(and I've yet to be paid for a single word)
But we'll see what happens.
It sure has been fun.
the apogee of my career
as one of the many
Art Critics
featured in the
Newcity weekly.
A full page devoted
to my worthless opinions.
Including my response to the biggest art event
that Chicago has seen in a hundred years,
the opening of the Modern Wing of the Art Institute.
Along with some words
about one of my favorite museum exhibits,
the collection of Japanese screens
that finally got hauled up from the basement.
And finally,
a panegyric
for one of Chicago's old school painters,
Walter Burt Adams.
Local art criticism has been dropped
by both the Tribune and the Reader,
so I'm not sure that
it's a subject that is commercially worth
the paper it's printed on.
(and I've yet to be paid for a single word)
But we'll see what happens.
It sure has been fun.