France 1500

And now for a little tour
of the Kings, Queens, and Courtiers exhibit
at the Art Institute.
(as pulled off the internet)

lots of delicious details
for this one

These images are arranged
in approximately the order
that the pieces might be seen
while strolling from the
entrance of the exhibit
to the exit.
And I'm only showing
my favorites
(though there were a few
for which images
could not be found)

One scene
from a series
on the Trojan War

Our Lady of Grace
This room also had
three marble masks
attributed to Franceso Laurana
but sadly,
way short
of this one
at the Frick

(looks a bit like
Newt Gingrich and wife #3,
doesn't it?)

Jean Poyer

Jean Bourdichon

(this page was on display)

These two above pages come from the same book
but could not be seen.
(the entire book is shown here )

Massacre of the Innocents
from the Hours of Henry VIII
(this page was on view)

The Month of May
(more off-view pages from the same book)

St. Jerome
(off view)

Saint Gregory celebrating Mass
(off view)

Christ in the Garden
(off view)
The rest of the book can be seen here
note: two questions that arise:
1. Would it really be too difficult
for the curator to turn the page
every week or so during the exhibit
so visitors could see more of the book?
2. Why were so many books placed in such deep cases
that do not allow for closer inspection
of such small paintings?

Guillaume Bregnault

of the 10
paintings by
Jean Hey
on display.
Above is my favorite

But I'm also fond of this one
which the A.I.C. has had
for about 80 years.

Don't care much for this one

Normandy, 1500

Jean Perreal
in the
"Little Book of Love"

(from the Boston Museum)

This was the Leonardo
that was included
when the show went to Paris.
(and I'm afraid that
Chicago got the consolation prize)