Saturday, December 08, 2007

The E. M. Bakwin Collection of Indonesian Textiles

It's hard to figure
what gets into a museum.

This is Indonesian skirt cloth
made in 1970.

I think it's pretty spectacular,
can't it's equals
still be found for sale
in markets there - if not here ?

Why can't the museum
have a gallery of contemporary
clothing fabrics -- the best available
in continual rotation ?

The rest of this exhibit

comes from earlier decades,
some going back to early 19th C.

I vaguely remember
a similar pattern on
an Indian print bed spread
I had back in college.

Perhaps you don't have to be stoned
to intensely enjoy these patterns,

but I know it helps.

Is any abstract painting
this enjoyable ?


  1. Love the chicken.

    My motto: Chickens loom large.

  2. Yes -- that chicken does loom large -- and that fabric really dominated its gallery.

    But on the other hand -- Sir G. preferred #5 -- and I can see how it might give more pleasure to quiet contemplation.

    Sometimes -- I just can't make up my mind!

  3. Hey Chris--

    Been flying through some things that I've missed and enjoying your mind; usually you can make it up, I think! Nice to see that it's not always...

    Five does seem pleasantly twining and more "open" and spacious. Somehow that seems to fit Sir Gawain.


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